Our parish is based on offering a safe, and welcoming home for not only Catholics, but spiritual seekers from every background.
We are striving to become, “enlightened”, or to find knowledge, “gnosis”, and understanding in the broadest sense, that of the world, the universe, and most important, others in this One Human Family.
We believe in facts. We believe in science. We believe in the Yehweh… That “Holy Breath” or “Spirit” which connects everything at our very base. At our atomic, and sub-atomic base.
Sacredness is found in the shirt I’m wearing as I type this sentence, in the buttons of this keyboard, in my lovely fur-baby Madison. In my backyard, in rivers, and on mountain tops. The lake side, and sea shore. In the height of the sky, and ocean depth. Every place, and moment is sacred.
It can be difficult, and even overwhelming to keep that vision of sacredness clear, and ever-present. That’s why we use the Sacraments of the Church to help bring this stunning picture back into focus.
We use the traditional Sacraments of the Catholic tradition, and are very excited to bring those celebrations out into the beautiful World we share.
We also are known to enhance our gatherings, and celebrations with other ritual, and ceremony. Be it a meditative day, with a Sweat Lodge. Chanting, singing, drumming, and dancing. Going out into a city, and sharing a “hello” and a smile. Even yoga, and Tai Chi.
Our focus is not to get trapped in the “how” of celebration, but how we live. We work every day to bring God’s love out to the world. Some of our work includes bringing the Sacraments to those who can’t leave home, the sick and infirmed.
One of our major targeted “ministries” is trying to help feed, clothe, and house the homeless. This is not an easy task, but the pastor is passionate, and works every day to try and be of more use.
The pastor also provides a full-time emergency service chaplaincy. Offering presence and support for local Police, Fire, and EMS departments, as well as their victims.
Fr. Matthew is also the proud, and active Chaplain for the US Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Secretary, Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, National Disaster Medical Service, Disaster Medical Assistance Team New Hampshire 1. Serving as a Chaplain at large scale disasters nationally and internationally.
Our clergy are always self-sustaining, not receiving a salary,benefits, retirement, or support from the parish, or our Diocese. There is no tithing, nor expectations of such. We do welcome free will offerings for our services.